domenica 16 ottobre 2011

The View on music

Ear Candy!

First of all, if you’re not familiar with this term, let me explain it to you. Usually the words "Ear Candy" are used to describe music that has an instant and easy appeal to the masses, but is short of lasting significance. Here some examples:

This term is also used by many people to explain what music type is good or bad. But I won’t take any position on this matter, because “de gustibus non disputandum est” (one must not dispute about tastes). Instead I’ll be considering how the music created by cold-blooded calculation of the entertainment industry is affecting our perception of music.

 What would the world be like without music and Nutella?! We need the sugary impact of music in our system. But as in Sweets-factories,  candies can be made from natural ingredients, or produced with harmful chemical stuff that in time will make us lose the taste of real flavors. Music like candy is also business. It has to be produced quickly and efficiently, and be up-to-date with the market, in other words what the masses want. In fact it has to be "ahead of the masses" and guess what they are going to want. Music and candies are no longer created for individual buyers, but to satisfy the masses, which means tricks (chemical flavors) are used to get  attention. So we oftentimes see our music created NOT by genuine creative artists, but by groups of "professionals" who have a degrees in economy, marketing, merchandizing and psychology.
Not only the music, but also the image of an artist is now created by these suits. We are no longer able to distinguish if what an artist stands for is sincere, if he or she really cares about what is being communicated, or is in fact just a reflection of what the group suits behind the production has figured out  to get our attention and money. Increasingly, we witness great masses of people glorifying these artificial artists, not realizing that they have become mere cogs of a greater mechanism: the MUSIC INDUSTRY: Welcome to the matrix people!